Wednesday, December 10, 2008
No amount of prevention can guarantee that your car will not be stolen, but by taking a few simple precautions you can greatly reduce your chances of becoming another auto theft victim.
- Close your windows, lock your doors, conceal your valuables and take your keys.
- Use a steering column locking device.
- Engrave your vehicle ID number on your windshield.
- Use an alarm that shuts off your electrical or fuel systems when activated.
- Park your car in well lighted, well traveled areas.
- Put all packages out of sight.
- Install a hidden ignition "kill" switch.
- Park your car in your garage at home.
- Do not store spare keys in or around your vehicle.
- Participate in "Watch Your Car" anti-theft program.
If you leave your car unlocked, leave your keys in the car, or leave your valuables in sight, your chances of becoming a victim is: 1 in 30
If you lock your car, take your keys, and conceal your valuables your chances of becoming a victim is: 1 in 1000
If you lock your car, take your keys, conceal your valuables, and use a visible anti-theft device the chances of becoming a victim is: 1 in 30,000
posted by transport blogs
@ 8:57 PM
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