Friday, December 5, 2008
Whenever any person who has leased or rented a vehicle willfully and intentionally fails to return the vehicle to its owner within five days after the lease or rental agreement has expired, that person shall be presumed to have embezzled the vehicle.
To assist with the investigation and successful prosecution of an embezzled vehicle, the Auto Theft Unit require the following information and documents:
To assist with the investigation and successful prosecution of an embezzled vehicle, the Auto Theft Unit require the following information and documents:
- A Legible copy of the original SIGNED rental contract that includes the renter's full name, address, telephone number, drivers license number and state, rental and scheduled return dates, total amount paid at the time of rental and form of payment.
- A Legible copy of the demand letter requiring the exact location of the vehicle be disclosed.
- A Copy of the returned, sealed, certified envelope or signed receipt of delivery.
- Renting agent's name, home address, SSN or drivers license and state, date of birth, home and work phone numbers.
- Written documentation indicating what steps your company has taken to recover the vehicle. Include each involved employee's name, home address, SSN, or drivers license and state, date of birth, home and work phone numbers.
- Any and all extensions to the original contract, whether made verbally or in writing. All documentation must include the date the extension was requested and/or granted along with the date the vehicle was to be returned, the person requesting the extension, the person granting the extension and the reason given for the extension (if any). Document all conversations with the suspect. Do not make any offers to extend the contract if additional fees are paid.
- All payments applied to the contract and indicate whether the payment was in cash, credit or debit card, electronic transfer or check.
- Complete a two page Vehicle Embezzlement Addendum Report.
- Vehicle Embezzlement Addendum Report Form 454K)
posted by transport blogs
@ 9:27 PM
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