Monday, May 4, 2009

Park carefully. Park in well lighted areas whenever possible. Turn your wheels toward the curb. If you park in an attended lot or valet park, leave the ignition/door key only.
If possible, park your car in a lot where you do not have to leave your keys. Do not leave your car in an unattended lot for an extended period of time. If your car is rear-wheel drive, back into the driveway or parking space, otherwise park front end first. Always use your emergency brake. Park in a garage whenever possible and lock the car and garage doors.
Never leave your car running, even if you will only be gone for a short time. Lock the car doors and take the keys with you even if you are making a "quick stop". Roll the windows up all the way and secure the vent or wind wing windows. Lock the trunk or tailgate. Remove valuables such as cell phones, stereos, gifts and lock them in the trunk. Never leave a hidden key on your vehicle. Never leave an I.D. tag on your key ring. If your keys are lost or stolen it could help a thief locate your car or burglarize your home.
Use anti-theft devices such as an Ignition kill switch, Fuel kill switch, Steering Wheel lock, Floorboard lock, Gearshift lock, tire/wheel lock, hood lock, Armored collar around the steering column, Alarm system or a vehicle tracking device such as Lojack or Telatrac.
posted by transport blogs
@ 2:51 AM
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