Tuesday, November 4, 2008
- Close all windows, lock all doors and take the keys with you. In Florida, almost 25 percent of stolen vehicles had the keys in them.
- Never hide a second set of keys anywhere on your vehicle. Thieves know all the hiding places.
- Never leave your vehicle running, even if you will only be gone for a minute; Vehicles are commonly stolen at convenience stores, gas stations and ATMs.
- Park in well-lighted areas. Over 50 percent of vehicle thefts occur at night.
- Use your garage; lock both the vehicle and the garage. Locking both doors greatly reduces the chance of theft.
- Keep your garage door opener with you. The thief may attempt to get into your house.
- Don't leave your original registration or title in your car. File the title at home in a safe place and carry your registration in your purse or wallet. When sharing a vehicle, provide a copy of the registration to other drivers to carry in their purse or wallet. If a thief has these two documents, your car will be easier to sell.
- Park in attended lots. Thieves don't like witnesses.
- Park your vehicle with wheels turned toward the curb, even when parking in driveways and parking lots. This makes your vehicle difficult to tow.
- Don't become complacent because you drive an older-model vehicle. Older cars can be resold quickly or stripped for parts. A vehicle's parts are worth two to three times the value of the car.
- Put all packages and personal items out of sight. Items left in the open make your vehicle a more desirable target.
- Have your VIN number etched onto your windows. This makes it difficult for a thief to switch VIN numbers on a stolen vehicle.
posted by transport blogs
@ 2:48 AM
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