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 Research and Innovative Technology Administration Research and Innovative Technology Administration Research and Innovative Technology Administration

The Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) enables the Department to more effectively coordinate and manage the Department’s research portfolio and expedite implementation of cross-cutting innovative technologies.  RITA’s resources are used to coordinate and advance transportation research efforts within DOT, including research on intelligent transportation systems technologies; support transportation professionals in their research efforts through grants and consulting services as well as professional development through training centers; and inform transportation decision-makers on intermodal and multi-modal transportation topics through the release of statistics, research reports, and other publications.

The FY 2010 budget request is composed of $28 million from the Highway Trust Fund and $13 million from the General Fund appropriation.  In addition, RITA will undertake over $400 million in transportation-related research, education, and technology development on a reimbursable or allocation basis for other agencies.


Research and Innovative Technology Administration Budget

(Dollars In Millions) 






Research and Development





Bureau of Transportation Statistics (non-add Allocation Account under Federal-Aid Highways)











Summary of RITA FY 2010 Increases and Decreases
(Dollars In Millions)


 Research &

Bureau of
Transportation Statistics



FY 2009 Base




Pay Inflation Adjustments




Non-Pay Inflation Adjustments




Annualization of FY 2009 Initiatives




Non-recurring Costs or Savings




Base Re-engineering, Reductions or Adjustments




FY 2010 Current Services Levels




FY 2010 Budget





FY 2010 Budget

The Administration’s FY 2010 budget request reflects the Department of Transportation’s intermodal and multi-modal research, development and technology, statistics, professional training and education, and applied transportation system solutions.

Research and Development:  The budget request includes $13 million for Research and Development.  RITA will coordinate, facilitate, and review the Department’s Research, Development and Technology (RD&T) programs and activities.  To improve efficiency and reduce congestion, the agency will promote and advance innovative transportation technologies such as alternative fuels, remote sensing and differential global positioning systems.  RITA will also continue to lead the Department’s Positioning, Navigation and Timing program (PNT) responsibilities.

Highway Trust Fund Program:

The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) was enacted August 10, 2005 and expires on September 30, 2009.  The Administration is developing a comprehensive approach for surface transportation reauthorization.  Consequently, the Budget contains no policy recommendations for programs subject to reauthorization, including highway programs.  Instead, the Budget displays baseline funding levels for all surface transportation programs.

Transportation Statistics and Information:  In FY 2010, $28 million is requested for the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) to develop and disseminate multi-modal and intermodal transportation statistics for all modes of transportation.  BTS will produce and disseminate high quality data and information that will inform transportation policy decisions at all levels, thus advancing the quality of life and economic well being of all Americans.  Funding will support the development and improvement of transportation system performance measures.  It will also support the maintenance of BTS' core statistical programs including:  transportation and economic analyses, geospatial information technology, statistical quality, survey design and management, and the information services of the National Transportation Library.

Other RITA-Managed Programs:

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Research Program:  The ITS Research Program is currently funded through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) under SAFETEA-LU.  Funding in FY 2009 was $110 million.  The ITS program is designed to research, demonstrate, test and facilitate deployment of technology to enhance the safety, efficiency, convenience, and environmental sustainability of surface transportation.  The ITS program carries out its goals through research and development, operational testing, technology transfer, training and technical guidance.  The Secretary of Transportation has assigned RITA management responsibility for all programmatic elements related to the ITS program.

Reimbursable Programs/Other:  In FY 2010, RITA will continue to carry out the multi-dimensional activities described above and will continue to conduct, coordinate, facilitate, and review over $300 million in transportation-related research, analysis, technology transfer, deployment, education and training activities associated with:

  • The John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center, Cambridge, MA) which provides research, analysis, technology deployment, and other technical knowledge and expertise to DOT and non-DOT customers on specific transportation systems projects or issues, on a fee-for-service basis.
  • The Transportation Safety Institute (Oklahoma City, OK) which provides training to more than 30,000 DOT and non-DOT transportation professionals annually in transportation safety and security, on a fee-for-service and tuition basis.
  • The University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program which advances U.S. technology and expertise in many transportation-related disciplines, and advances DOT RD&T priorities, through grants for transportation education, research and technology transfer at university-based centers of excellence.
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