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TitleAircraft Accident Brief: Controlled Flight Into Terrain
DescriptionControlled Flight Into Terrain, Learjet 35A, N30DK, San Diego, California, October 24, 2004
NTSB Report Number AAB-06-05, adopted on 5/23/2006
NTIS Report Numbernull

Accident Number: LAX05FA015
Aircraft and Registration: Learjet 35A, N30DK
Operator: Med Flight Air Ambulance, Inc.
Location: San Diego, California
Date: October 24, 2004
Adopted on: May 23, 2006


On October 24, 2004, about 0025 Pacific daylight time, a Learjet 35A, N30DK, registered to and operated by Med Flight Air Ambulance, Inc. (MFAA), crashed into mountainous terrain shortly after takeoff from Brown Field Municipal Airport (SDM), near San Diego, California. The captain, the copilot, and the three medical crewmembers were killed, and the airplane was destroyed. The repositioning flight was operated under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 with an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan filed. Night visual meteorological conditions prevailed.

The accident flight was the fourth and final leg of a trip that originated the previous day. ATI Jet, Inc. (ATIJ), dispatched the airplane, the two flight crewmembers, and two of the medical crewmembers from Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ), Albuquerque, New Mexico, about 1500 on October 23, 2004, for a repositioning flight to pick up another medical crewmember and a transport flight to pick up a medical patient in Mexico. According to MFAA personnel, repositioning flights were conducted under 14 CFR Part 91 rules, and medical patient transport flights were operated under Part 135. for more details
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